Friday, March 25, 2011

My scariest dream ever!!!

On Wednesday night I had the scariest dream ever. Are you ready to hear it? OK here it goes, but before I start I want to tell you. If you have ever seen the Batman Arkahm Asylem Game for the Xbox then you should know who the jokers girl friend is if you don't heres a picture of her. She was the lady chasing me around.

So this lady would come over to our house and she would drink. My mom and dad didn't know she was here. I ran int my moms room and hid under the covers. She then asked me what the problem was. I told her some lady was after me. My mom told me that here was nothing to worry about because she had checked the house before she went to bed. Then the jokers girlfriend a.k.a Harley Quinn came in and said I know your in here. She had an ax in her hand. She didn't seem me and so she ran to get another drink. I ran into My brother Chandlers room and hid under his futon. She ran into his room and, again said I know your in here! Harley threw an ax at Chandler and he dodged it. Then she ran to my other brother, Chad's room and said the same thing. I in the mean time ran back to my mom and dads room. and Asked my mom, "Mom Help me." She looked at me and told me "I can't." I got out of the bed and Harley saw me. She began to chase me around the room. I turned around and yelled stop! Stop! at her. I glared at her and told her, "I'm not dumb." and started listing off all the things she had called me. I ran to my room and she followed. Harley quickly turned into Rachel, one of my friends. " Get out." I screamed at her. She told me no so I pushed her out of the front door and told her to get out and stay out. I t was sooo weird and random!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scariest Dream Ever!!!!!

I just woke up from the scariest dream I have ever had.

It all started when we realized that a huge wave was about to destroy where we were standing! We tried to get out, and luckily did. It was jammed! Then outside, we didn't know what to do. "I'm going to the car for my wallet. Do you want to save something?" I had my bag on and said, "I'm just trying to save myself! But OK." So we ran over there. I have a stuffed bear named parka, and in my dream I pulled out five parkas from the front seat pocket. We put all this stuff in a trash bag, and then we saw a plane. We were running for our lives! My legs HURT. When Brooke and my Mom stopped in the sand box, I screamed "Don't stop! Go!" but my Mom pointed that the plane was already gone. It seemed to be coming back. She said it was. But it didn't! and it wouldn't for another 45 minutes! "That's too long!!" I screamed. The road was packed and there were explosions. I asked my Papaw what they were, he said "There's so many cars their just bombing them." We had no choice but to try to drive to Arkansas. "Do you have a gas mask? If so, put them on." for some reason I did, I was going to ask how it looked, but I couldn't with it on. We drove into the street....


My dream is over.


Saturday, March 19, 2011


I am sad right now. The reason is because my bestest friend is leaving today and I have to go to school on Monday! I am sooo not looking forward to it. I wish she didn't have to go.:( Hope everyone had a wonderful spring break!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I am SO happy because today my Cousin got to come over and maybe(if I'm lucky) she will get to stay until Sunday afternoon. To top it all off my friend Rachel gets to spend the night! I am very, ever so exited! Also today I got (had) to go to IKEA. I wish that I didn't go but I had a some fun. If you've ever been to IKEA then you would know that it is a home decoration store and around the store they have little for show houses to display their products. Rachel, Savannah, and I all went in the "houses" and played house but only for a few minutes because then the store got busy and it felt very awkward and so we stopped. It was weird, but fun. So now you know what to do if you get bored in IKEA!
Thank You very much for you time,
Hannah :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break Is Not Going As Planned

Let me start off by saying I am very thankfull for the arrangements that have been made. I was hoping to spend all week with Hannah, but it turns out that because of Softball practice I have to go on Wednesday   :( through Saturday. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I wish I could skip softball practice. I am terrible at it anyway. I have chores to get done today, but I really do not want to do them. Shocking. Sping break doesn't give you a break from everything. I am soooooo mad.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

tO a ToWeR oF rAnDoM aWeSoMeNess

So this blog is random. Duh.

OK, today was great. First it started off by going to a see a friend I have not seen in a while. She was at a state-of-the-art hotel. Awesome! Then by eating lunch out, going to Brooke's softball practice, (not so awesome) and then going home. In about two hours, after watching a movie, we headed to my Nana and Papaw's house. We played softball, (fun!) and then headed back to their house to eat a terrific dinner. Fun!


Friday, March 11, 2011

My Very Random Days

March 11, 2011
Welcome to my new blog! On this blog I will tell you of my very random days. Here is what happened at my home. Well today I really did not do much because I was at home all day due to my awful sickness that I have had all week. It really and truly was very boring. I watched TV with my dog, Ginger, and drew a picture of Minne Mouse. Then I painted it. I also wrote some more of my book called Aryan. I Didn't write very much though. Throughout my very random days I will probably post a little of my book, but my book is Patented. If you have any questions please comment and check out my other blog by clicking on view my complete profile thanks!